

Riccardia sp. “chamedryfolia”[TC]

Original price was: ₹275.Current price is: ₹250./-

Riccardia chamedryfolia – a liverwort – is one of the best-looking mosses. It has spread throughout tropical Asia, and we discovered it at a small waterfall on Sulawesi. Riccardia has an incredibly intricate structure. Firm, reef-like, deep green shoots can be easily attached to driftwood and rocks. This is an easy moss under moderate light; CO2 is not essential but does encourage healthy, vital growth. Riccardia’s small size makes it suitable for Nano Cubes.

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Riccardia species are delicate, dark to medium green liverworts, clinging to wood or rock with their rhizoids, where they form compact cushions or lawn-like populations. They are called “Coral moss” or “Mini Pellia” in the aquarium hobby due to their dense ramification.

There are at least three different Riccardia types in the aquarium hobby, labeled in the trade i.a. Riccardia chamedryfolia and R. graeffei. However the correctness of their identification is not yet proven. Therefore we use the name Riccardia sp. “chamedryfolia” for the type that is labeled R. chamedryfola in trade. It develops quite firm, narrow, rather ascending branches that are more or less pinnately ramified.

“Coral moss” is not very demanding, however it looks best with at least medium lighting and good CO2 and nutrient supply. It should be placed into already cycled, well-running aquariums. Good lighting promotes compact cushions with densely ramified branches. Riccardia can be glued, tied or simply stuffed into the cracks and gaps of the hardscape. When the cushions have grown very big, they will detach from the substrate sooner or later. Therefore timely trimming is recommendable.

Riccardia sp. “chamedryfolia” can be variously used in the aquascaping for greening of wood and rock. With its filigree structure and slow growth, it is also an ideal choice for nano tanks.

Additional information

Light Requirement

Plant Difficulty

Plant Type


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